This page lists all the tools hosted on energypedia. The tools are grouped by technology and include manuals, databases, checklists, online software and planning guides on renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy access issues. Click on the respective link to visit/download the tool.
To add your tools to this page, simply upload it to energypedia and categorise it as "Tools" and the relevant technology.
RE/EE Project Resource Center: It offers project-relevant renewable energy and energy efficiency documents to the global energy community.
Fuel Price Database: It includes data on fuel prices, taxes, price policies, etc. of almost all countries in the world.
Company Directory: It includes companies working in the off-grid sector.
Other Tools
- The Micro-energy Final Assessment Tool (MEFAT)
- SE4Jobs Toolbox
- Retail Tariff Tool - SADC RERA Mini-Grids
- Renewable Energy Project Resource Center
- RETScreen Clean Energy Management Software
- Power Purchase Tool - SADC RERA Mini-Grids
- Open Energy System Models
- Online Monitoring Tools
- Global Wind Atlas (GWA)
- Global Solar Atlas (GSA)
- Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) Tool - SADC RERA Mini-Grids
Pico PV Database: It includes a full spectrum of mini solar appliances such as mini reading lamps, torches, micro-solar home systems.
Other Tools
- Wind, solar, storage and back-up system designer
- Sustainable Energy for Pumping and Irrigation
- Solar Pumping Toolkit - The Global Solar & Water Initiative
- Solar Pumping Toolkit - Technical Design
- Solar Pumping Toolkit - Monitoring and Evaluation
- Solar Pumping Toolkit - Installation and O&M
- Solar Pumping Toolkit - Guidance and Assessment
- Solar Power and Tariff Tool EnDev Calculation Spreadsheet
- Solar Energy - Tools
- RE/EE Guidance Documents and Tools for Policy Makers, Investors, and Technical Experts (RE-ACTIVATE)
- Operation and Maintenance Plan and Glossary for PV Systems
- National Approaches to Electrification – Review of Options
- Mini-Grid Sizing
- Market Development Scorecard
- Global Wind Atlas (GWA)
- Global Solar Atlas (GSA)
- EnDev Indonesia Site Criteria Checklist for Solar / Micro Hydro Power Plants
- Dynamic Cash Flow Analysis of Photovoltaic Projects in Tunisia
Micro/Mini Hydropower Library (MHL): It includes knowledge product related to micro/mini-hydro topics on energypedia
Cooking Energy Compendium: A practical guidebook for implementers of cooking energy innovation. See Version française.
Alternative Charcoal Tool (ACT): It gives small and medium enterprises, policymakers as well as NGOs in developing countries insight into the potential of charcoal production from alternative feedstocks on a regional or country level.
Mini-grid Builder: It allows interested parties to enter data from site surveys into the database and perform calculations on the energy demand
Other Tools
- Solar Power and Tariff Tool EnDev Calculation Spreadsheet
- Retail Tariff Tool - SADC RERA Mini-Grids
- Power Purchase Tool - SADC RERA Mini-Grids
- Mini-grid Builder
- Mini-Grid Sizing
- Milling as a Productive Application in Green Mini-Grid (GMG) Systems
- Ice-Making as a Productive Application in Green Mini-Grid (GMG) Systems
- Global Wind Atlas (GWA)
- Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) Tool - SADC RERA Mini-Grids
- EnDev Indonesia Site Criteria Checklist for Solar / Micro Hydro Power Plants
- Conducting Productive Use of Energy (PUE) Assessments
- Catalogue of Mini-Grid Tools
Pages in category "Tools"
The following 56 pages are in this category, out of 56 total.
- Market Development Scorecard
- MHP-Financial Feasibility Analysis Tool
- Micro Hydro Power (MHP) Manuals
- Micro/Mini Hydropower Library (MHL)
- Milling as a Productive Application in Green Mini-Grid (GMG) Systems
- Mini-grid Builder
- Mini-Grid Sizing
- Modeles d entreprise pour systemes agroalimentaires durables
- Modeling Fuelwood Savings Scenarios: Mofuss
- SE4Jobs Toolbox
- Solar Energy - Tools
- Solar Power and Tariff Tool EnDev Calculation Spreadsheet
- Solar Pumping Toolkit - Guidance and Assessment
- Solar Pumping Toolkit - Installation and O&M
- Solar Pumping Toolkit - Monitoring and Evaluation
- Solar Pumping Toolkit - Technical Design
- Solar Pumping Toolkit - The Global Solar & Water Initiative
- Sustainability Tool Box
- Sustainable Energy for Pumping and Irrigation
- Systemes agroalimentaires respectueux du climat :Outils et Logiciels
Media in category "Tools"
The following 88 files are in this category, out of 88 total.
- DESIGN – Pump Sizing Tool.xlsx ; 6.02 MB
- DESIGN – Site Data Collection Tool.xlsx ; 1.43 MB
- Directions to Strathmore Energy Lab.pdf 3,507 × 2,480; 0 bytes
- Evaluation of the Sustainability of SPWSS in Kenya.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 60 pages; 0 bytes
- Example of Using solar pumping design software COMPASS.pdf 3,508 × 2,480, 8 pages; 0 bytes
- Fin Man 01.PNG 1,122 × 570; 0 bytes
- Fin Man 02.PNG 1,119 × 570; 0 bytes
- FSF Training Cash Flow Model Clean.xls ; 2.61 MB
- GD 05.PNG 1,332 × 467; 0 bytes
- GD 06.PNG 1,365 × 549; 0 bytes
- GD 07.PNG 1,131 × 617; 0 bytes
- GIZ EnDev Checklist on sustainability-2006.pdf 3,508 × 2,480, 11 pages; 87 KB
- Global Solar and Water Initiative - Brief.pdf 2,550 × 3,300; 0 bytes
- Grundfos Sizing - Step by Step.pdf 3,508 × 2,480, 10 pages; 0 bytes
- GSWI visit report to Sudan - Feb-March 2017.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 10 pages; 0 bytes
- GSWI visit report to Uganda - January 2017.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 11 pages; 0 bytes
- Gtz Pra-tools women group Kenya.pdf 3,507 × 2,480, 3 pages; 62 KB
- Icon-tools.svg 1,500 × 1,500; 5 KB
- Insaba business planning manual.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 42 pages; 915 KB
- Insaba tools (excel sheets).xls ; 218 KB
- Insaba tools 2(excel sheets).xls ; 218 KB
- Install 01.PNG 1,069 × 501; 0 bytes
- Install 02.PNG 1,068 × 503; 0 bytes
- Install 03.PNG 1,082 × 501; 0 bytes
- Install 04.PNG 1,087 × 502; 0 bytes
- Install 05.PNG 1,083 × 503; 0 bytes
- Installation Control Checklist.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 6 pages; 0 bytes
- Introduction and Explanation to the Benefit Matrix (2007) .pdf 2,479 × 3,508, 10 pages; 100 KB
- INVEST Farm Analysis Tool.xlsx ; 699 KB
- Kenya's Photovoltaic Power Potential.PNG 551 × 758; 0 bytes
- Large Submersible Solar Pump kit.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 3 pages; 778 KB
- Lorentz Sizing - Step by Step.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 4 pages; 0 bytes
- M-HelpDesk.pdf 2,480 × 3,509, 2 pages; 0 bytes
- Medium Submersible Solar Pump Kit.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 3 pages; 764 KB
- MEI toolkit Powering Ahead 2018 12.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 20 pages; 0 bytes
- Mini-grid Builder.JPG 1,064 × 123; 21 KB
- Mini-Grid Sizing Guidebook.pdf 2,007 × 2,834, 68 pages; 0 bytes
- Miniguide-Solar Water Pumping.pdf 3,507 × 2,480, 35 pages; 0 bytes
- Model Evaluation ToR.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 6 pages; 0 bytes
- O M Toolkit for Communities.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 8 pages; 0 bytes
- Op & M 01.PNG 1,121 × 570; 0 bytes
- Op & M 02.PNG 1,125 × 602; 0 bytes
- Op & M 03.PNG 1,123 × 572; 0 bytes
- Op & M 04.PNG 1,123 × 572; 0 bytes
- Outil d 'analyse financière .xls ; 3.47 MB
- SET UP – PVP Acceptance Test.docx ; 1.65 MB
- Small Submersible Solar Pump Kit.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 3 pages; 798 KB
- Solar Power Application in a Community.PNG 1,103 × 599; 0 bytes
- Solar Power Application in a Refugee Camp.PNG 1,059 × 747; 0 bytes
- Solar Powered Water System Components.PNG 1,034 × 559; 0 bytes
- Solar Pump Application in Rural Water Supply - A Case Study from Ethiopia.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 7 pages; 0 bytes
- Solar Water Pumping Training at SERC.pdf 3,508 × 2,480, 14 pages; 0 bytes
- SWP Course Content.pdf 2,480 × 3,507; 0 bytes
- SWP Course Flyer.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 2 pages; 0 bytes
- SWP Training Calendar 2020.pdf 3,300 × 2,550; 461 KB
- Toolbox for Energy Assessments in Refugee Settlements and Host Communities.pdf 2,467 × 3,501, 46 pages; 0 bytes
- Tools and Procedures for Engaging Stakeholders in TRANSrisk Case Study Analysis.pdf 2,479 × 3,508, 49 pages; 0 bytes
- User notes for emergency kits.pdf 2,550 × 3,300; 0 bytes
- Value Chain Energy Mapping Description of Method GIZ Powering Agriculture.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 11 pages; 1.26 MB
- Visualization Tool FiT Scheme Small Scale Solar PV Projects .pdf 2,367 × 1,780, 10 pages; 7.6 MB
- Visualization Tool FiT Scheme Small Scale Solar PV Projects Ar .pdf 2,367 × 1,780, 10 pages; 1,000 KB