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|:Portal:Wind|Portal Wind
|:Group:Wind|Group Wind
|:Category:Wind|All Wind Articles
{{header banner portal
|image = icon-wind.svg
|headline = Welcome to the <big>'''Wind Portal'''</big>
|teaser = Wind energy is the electrical energy obtained from harnessing the wind. The wind portal provides an overview of the information on energypedia related to wind energy. Look for specific topics, latest articles or uploaded documents and announce upcoming events.
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{{template:tabs|:Portal:Wind|Portal Wind|:Group:Wind|Group Wind|:Category:Wind|All Wind Articles}}<br/>
<div class="width-1-3 card">
=== Wind Energy Overview ===
| [[File:Icon-wind.png|left|60px|Icon-wind.png|alt=Icon-wind.png|link=]]
== Welcome to the Wind Portal ==
'''Wind energy''' is the electrical energy obtained from harnessing the wind. The '''wind portal''' provides an overview of the information on energypedia related to wind energy. Look for specific topics, latest articles or uploaded documents and announce upcoming events.
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=== Wind Energy Overview<br/> ===
*[[Wind Energy - Introduction|Wind Energy- Introduction]]
*[[Wind Energy - Introduction|Wind Energy- Introduction]]
*[[:File:Wind Power FactBook.pdf|Wind Power Factbook]]<br/>
*[[:File:Wind Power FactBook.pdf|Wind Power Factbook]]
*[[Planning Wind Projects|Steps in Planning Wind Projects]]
*[[Planning Wind Projects|Steps in Planning Wind Projects]]
*[[Wind Energy - Physics|The Physics of Wind Energy]]<br/>
*[[Wind Energy - Physics|The Physics of Wind Energy]]
<div class="width-1-3 card">
=== Technological Aspects of Wind Energy ===
=== Technological Aspects of Wind Energy ===
*[[Wind Turbine Technology|Wind Turbine Technology]]
*[[Wind Turbine Technology|Wind Turbine Technology]]
*[[Small-Scale Wind|Small-Scale Wind Energy Systems]]<br/>
*[[Small-Scale Wind|Small-Scale Wind Energy Systems]]
*[[Hybrid-Systems Containing Wind Energy|Hybrid-Systems]]
*[[Hybrid-Systems Containing Wind Energy|Hybrid-Systems]]
*[[Introduction_to_Airborne_Wind_Energy|Airborne Wind Energy]]
<div class="width-1-3 card">  
=== Preparatory Studies on Wind Energy ===
=== Preparatory Studies on Wind Energy ===
*[[Wind Projects - Initial Site Selection|Site Selection]]
*[[Wind Projects - Initial Site Selection|Site Selection]]
*[[Wind Projects - Site Selection - Rules of Thumb|Rules of Thumb- Site selection]]
*[[Wind Projects - Site Selection - Rules of Thumb|Site selection - Rules of Thumb]]
*[[Land Acquisition - Wind Energy|Land Acquisition]]
*[[Land Acquisition - Wind Energy|Land Acquisition]]
*[[Social Assessment - Wind Energy|Social Assessment]]
*[[Social Assessment - Wind Energy|Social Assessment]]
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*[[Feasibility Study - Wind Energy|Feasibility Study]]
*[[Feasibility Study - Wind Energy|Feasibility Study]]
*[[Technical Layout - Wind Energy|Technical Layout]]
*[[Technical Layout - Wind Energy|Technical Layout]]
*[[Examples Feasibility Studies - Wind Energy|Examples for Feasibility Studies]]
*[[Country-specific Wind Energy Facts|Country-specific Wind Energy Facts]]
*[[Wind Energy Map (country-specific wind energy facts)|Wind Energy Map (country-specific wind energy facts)]]
*[[Wind Energy Resource Assessment|Wind Energy Resource Assessment]] (German)
*[[Wind,_solar,_storage_and_back-up_system_designer|Wind, solar, storage and back-up system designer]]
<div class="width-1-3 card">
=== Planning for Wind Energy ===
=== Planning for Wind Energy ===
*[[Layout of Wind Projects|Layout of Wind Projects]]
*[[Layout of Wind Projects|Layout of Wind Projects]]
*[[Legal Aspects - Wind Energy|Legal Aspects]]<br/>
*[[Legal Aspects - Wind Energy|Legal Aspects]]
*[[Permits - Wind Energy|Permits]]
*[[Permits - Wind Energy|Permits]]
*[[Financing Aspects - Wind Energy|Financing Wind Energy]]<br/>
*[[Financing Aspects - Wind Energy|Financing Wind Energy]]
*[[Feed-in Tariffs Wind Energy|Feed-in Tariffs]]
*[[Feed-in Tariffs Wind Energy|Feed-in Tariffs]]
<div class="width-1-3 card">  
=== Policy Framework for Wind Energy ===
=== Policy Framework for Wind Energy<br/> ===
*[[Political Framework Conditions - Wind Energy|Political Framework Conditions]]
*[[Political Framework Conditions - Wind Energy|Policy Framework Conditions]]<br/>
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=== Use of Wind Energy ===
*[[Wind Energy in Powering Agriculture|Wind Energy in Powering Agriculture]]
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=== Implementation of Wind Energy ===
=== Implementation of Wind Energy ===
*[[Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) - Wind Energy|Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)]]
*<span class="mw-headline" id="aspects_of_ppa_.28power_purchase_agreement.29"></span>[[Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) - Wind Energy|Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)]]
*[[Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for Medium Scale Wind Power Projects|Namibia Power Purchase Agreement]]
*[[Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) produced for Pakistan|Power Purchase Agreement Pakistan]]
*[[Capacity Building - Wind Energy|Capacity Building]]
*[[Capacity Building - Wind Energy|Capacity Building]]
*[[Private Sector Development - Wind Energy|Private Sector / Market Development]]
*[[Private Sector Development - Wind Energy|Private Sector / Market Development]]
*[[Public Private Partnerships (PPP) - Wind Energy|Public-Private Partnership (PPP)]]
*[[Public Private Partnerships (PPP) - Wind Energy|Public-Private Partnership (PPP)]]
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=== Operation of Wind Energy ===
=== <span style="font-size: 17.27272605895996px;  background-color: initial">Operation of Wind Energy</span> ===
*[[Operation Models (IPP, BOT) - Wind Energy|Operation Models (IPP, BOT)]]
*[[Operation Models (IPP, BOT) - Wind Energy|Operation Models (IPP, BOT)]]
*[[Grid Connection - Wind Energy|Grid Connection]]
*[[Grid Connection - Wind Energy|Grid Connection]]
*[[Wind Energy Integration into the Grid - Capacity Credit|Capacity Credit for Grid Integration]]<br/>
*[[Wind Energy Integration into the Grid - Capacity Credit|Capacity Credit for Grid Integration]]
*[[Internal Wind Park Cabling|Internal Wind Park Cabling]]<br/>
*[[Internal Wind Park Cabling|Internal Wind Park Cabling]]
*[[Repowering - Wind Energy|Repowering]] (German)
*[[Repowering - Wind Energy|Repowering]] (German)
<div class="width-1-3 card">  
=== Monitoring and Evaluation of Wind Energy ===
=== Monitoring and Impacts of Wind Energy<br/> ===
*[[Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) - Wind Energy|Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E)]]
*[[Social Assessment - Wind Energy|Social Assessment Wind Energy]]
*[[Wind Energy - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)|Environmental Impact Assessment]]
*[[Wind Energy - Lessons Learned|Lessons Learned]]<br/>
<div class="width-1-3 card">  
*[[Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) - Wind Energy|Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E)]]<br/>
=== Impacts of Wind Energy ===
*[[Ecological Aspects - Wind Energy|Ecological Aspects]]
*[[Ecological Aspects - Wind Energy|Ecological Aspects]]
*[[Wind Energy - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)|Environmental Impact Assessment]]
=== Climate Change and Wind Energy<br/> ===
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=== Climate Change and Wind Energy ===
*[[Wind Energy - Climate Change|Wind Energy and Climate Change]]
*[[Wind Energy - Climate Change|Wind Energy and Climate Change]]
*[[Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Baseline-Assessments for Wind Energy Projects|CDM and Baseline-Assessments]]
*[[Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Baseline-Assessments for Wind Energy Projects|CDM and Baseline-Assessments]]
*[[Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Wind Energy Projects in Brazil|Clean Development Mechanism and Wind Energy Projects in Brazil]]
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=== Case Studies and Projects on Wind Energy ===
=== Case Studies on Wind Energy<br/> ===
*[[South African Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff|South African Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff]]
*[[South African Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff|South African Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff]]
*[[China Wind Power Programme – Applied Research and Training|China Wind Power Programme (GIZ)]]
*[[China Wind Power Programme – Applied Research and Training|China Wind Power Programme (GIZ)]]
*[[Support to the Up-scaling of Wind Power in Vietnam (GIZ)|Support to the Up-scaling of Wind Power in Vietnam (GIZ)]]
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=== Wind Energy Resources ===
=== Wind Energy Resources<br/> ===
*[https://globalwindatlas.info/ World Bank Global Wind Atlas]
*[http://irena.masdar.ac.ae/?map=103 IRENA Global Wind Atlas]
*[[Wind Energy Map (country-specific wind energy facts)|Country-specific Wind Energy Analyses]] - Factsheets
*[https://energydata.info/ Energydata.info]
*[[Portal:Countries|Wind Energy in Specific Countries]]
*[[:file:Global Wind Statistics-2011.pdf|Global Installed Capacity by 2011]]
*[[:file:Global Wind Statistics-2011.pdf|Global Installed Capacity by 2011]]<br/>
*[[Wind Energy - Water Desalination|Wind-powered Water Desalination Plants]]
*[[Wind Energy - Water Desalination|Wind-powered Water Desalination Plants]]
*[[List of Abbreviations - Wind Energy|List of Abbreviations]]
*[[List of Abbreviations - Wind Energy|List of Abbreviations]]
*[[Portal:Countries|Wind Energy in Specific Countries]]
*[[:Category:REPRC Wind|Renewable Energy Project Resource Center]]
*[[Wind External Links|External Links]]
*[[Wind External Links|External Links]]
*[[Renewable Energy Project Resource Center|RE Project Resource Center]]
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====== [[File:Logo Discussions.png|180px|alt=Logo Discussions.png|link=Group talk:Wind]] ======
Have a query? Discuss it with the wind power experts on energypedia '''[[Group talk:Wind|here]]!'''<br/>
==== Latest Wind Articles ====
addcategories = true
userdateformat=j F Y
format = {| ¶!,¶|-¶ | <span class="group-activity-date">%DATE%</span><br/>, [[%PAGE%]]
==== Latest Wind Documents ====
{{#ask: [[Category:Wind]] [[File:+]] |?Creation date|sort=Creation date |order=desc|link=none |format=template |template=CES Country Ask query Files|searchlabel= |limit=3 |default=Currently there are no articles under this heading.}}<br/>
<div class="width-1-4"> <!-- Resources Column -->
<div class="more-link plainlinks">[[Special:Filegallery|All Files]]</div>
<div class="box offers">{{Boxnewsletter}}</div>
<div class="box offers">{{Boxevents portal}}</div>
<div class="box offers">{{Boxpublications portal}}</div>
<div class="box offers">{{Boxjobs}}</div>
<div class="box offers">{{Boxopportunities}}</div>
</div> <!-- End Resources Column -->
==== Wind Events ====
</div> <!-- End Main Grid -->
{{#ask:[[Belongs to::Events]] [[Focus::Wind]] [[End::>{{CURRENTYEAR}}-{{CURRENTMONTH}}-{{CURRENTDAY}}]] |?Event title |?Beginning |format=template |template=Event List Row |limit=3 |searchlabel= |offset=0 |sort=Beginning |link=none }}
<div class="more-link plainlinks">{{#formlink:form=Events|link text=Add New Event|link type=link}}</div><div class="more-link"></div><div class="more-link">[[:Category:Events|All Events]]</div><div class="more-link"><br/></div><div class="more-link"><br/></div>
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=== Map of Wind Energy Country Analyses ===
=== Map of Wind Energy Country Analyses ===
<googlemap controls="large" height="310" width="600" zoom="2" type="terrain" lon="8.4375" lat="20.303418" version="0.9">
{{#display_map: 25.958045, -102.304687~[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Mexico|Wind Energy Country Analyses Mexico]]; -2.986927, 114.257813~[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Indonesia|Wind Energy Country Analyses Indonesia]]; -38.822591, -63.28125~[[Wind Energy Country Analysis Argentina|Wind Energy Country Analysis Argentina]]; 32.026706, -6.152344~[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Morocco|Wind Energy Country Analyses Morocco]]; 35.329318, 9.580078~[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Tunisia|Wind Energy Country Analyses Tunisia]]; 51.1657, 10.4515~[[Political_Framework_Conditions_-_Wind_Energy#Germany|Wind Energy Country Analyses Germany]]; 30.499175, 68.554688~[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Pakistan|Wind Energy Country Analyses Pakistan]]; -5.207657, -56.601562~[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Brazil|Wind Energy Country Analyses Brazil]]; 18.076239, -65.039062~[[Wind Energy Country Analyses for the Caribbean|Wind Energy Country Analyses for the Caribbean]]; -27.059126, -68.90625~[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Chile|Wind Energy Country Analyses Chile]]; 27.683528, 28.828125~[[Wind Energy Country Analysis Egypt|Wind Energy Country Analysis Egypt]]; 9.116561, -79.980469~[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Panama|Wind Energy Country Analyses Panama]]; -7.783565, -75.234375~[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Peru|Wind Energy Country Analyses Peru]]; 15.128695, -15.205078~[[Wind Energy Country Analysis Senegal|Wind Energy Country Analysis Senegal]]; -28.600599, 23.291016~[[Wind Energy Country Analyses South Africa|Wind Energy Country Analyses South Africa]]; 14.0583, 108.2772~[[Wind Energy Country Analysis Vietnam|Wind Energy Country Analyses Vietnam]] |height=310px |width=530px }}
25.958045, -102.304687, Wind Energy Fact Sheet Mexico
[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Mexico|Wind Energy Country Analyses Mexico]]
-2.986927, 114.257813, Indonesia Wind Energy Fact Sheet
[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Indonesia|Wind Energy Country Analysis Indonesia]]
-38.822591, -63.28125
[[Wind Energy Country Analysis Argentina|Wind Energy Country Analysis Argentina]]
32.026706, -6.152344, Morocco Wind Energy Fact Sheet
[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Morocco|Wind Energy Country Analyses Morocco]]
35.329318, 9.580078,
[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Tunisia|Wind Energy Country Analyses Tunisia]]
-17.588174, 15.46875,
[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Namibia|Wind Energy Country Analyses Namibia]]
30.499175, 68.554688
[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Pakistan]]
-5.207657, -56.601562
[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Brazil]]
18.076239, -65.039062
[[Wind Energy Country Analyses for the Caribbean]]
-27.059126, -68.90625
[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Chile]]
27.683528, 28.828125
[[Wind Energy Country Analysis Egypt]]
9.116561, -79.980469
[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Panama]]
-7.783565, -75.234375
[[Wind Energy Country Analyses Peru]]
15.128695, -15.205078
[[Wind Energy Country Analysis Senegal]]
-28.600599, 23.291016
[[Wind Energy Country Analyses South Africa]]
15.298315, 108.193359
[[Wind Energy Country Analysis Vietnam]]
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Revision as of 13:41, 22 May 2023

Welcome to the Wind Portal

Wind energy is the electrical energy obtained from harnessing the wind. The wind portal provides an overview of the information on energypedia related to wind energy. Look for specific topics, latest articles or uploaded documents and announce upcoming events.

Policy Framework for Wind Energy

Impacts of Wind Energy