TUEWAS Toolbox - Active Management of Distribution Grid

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ID Number Year Title Author Type of Entry Main Category Country Location within Country File Reference project name Journal or conference name URL Active management of distribution grid Enabling distributing technologies Market-based and Tariff-based solutions Connection agreement solutions Distribution planning Operation and maintenance Information exchange
17 2018 Understanding DERMS Electric Power Research Institute Study Report Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. Integration of Distributed Energy Resources (P174) https://www.epri.com/research/products/3002013049
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
74 2019 Electric Program Investment Charge 2.02 – Distributed Energy Resource Management System Final Report Pacific Gas and Electric Study Report Active management of distribution grid California No file uploaded. EPIC 2.02 – Distributed Energy Resource Management System https://www.pge.com/pge_global/common/pdfs/about-pge/environment/what-we-are-doing/electric-program-investment-charge/PGE-EPIC-2.02.pdf
  • This report summarizes the project objectives, technical results and lessons learned for EPIC Project 2.02 - Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS). The main objective of the DERMS Demo was to test and demonstrate that new technologies can provide the functionality to monitor and control DERs to manage system constraints and evaluate the potential value of DER flexibility to the grid. The DERMS Demo demonstrated that value from DERs to provide grid services could be realized. This demonstration drove learnings about the people, process, and technology needed to operate the high DER penetration grid of the future. The challenges and lessons learned through this implementation helped move the industry and PG&E forward in the DERMS space, while grounding perspectives of near-term versus future needs and capabilities.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Smart grids (AMI, smart meters, etc.) increase
  • VPP and aggregators (market integration of DERs)
75 2022 Distributed energy resource management systems—DERMS: Stateof the art and how to move forward Strezoski, L. Article Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. https://wires.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/wene.460
  • Due to an ever-increasing rise in proliferation of distributed energy resources (DERs), the paradigm of passive electrical distribution networks is shifting toward active distribution systems. This new environment introduces a plethora of challenges that cannot be managed by traditional tools, whose utilization could compromise the reliability and efficient operation of distribution feeders. This article systematically reviews state of the art in different DERs management software solutions available today. Additionally, it establishes distinguished roles and responsibilities of different levels of hierarchy in distinct solutions that are all commonly called DERs management systems—DERMS (e.g., fully centralized versus fully decentralized DER management solutions). Lastly, it offers a viewpoint on the directions that hold potential for the power system community and industry to explore for further developments of more robust and intelligent DERMS, to successfully enable efficient transition into a new era of clean and sustainable power systems, encompassing active and dynamically changing distribution circuits.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Mini/micro-grids (when interconnected)
  • VPP and aggregators (market integration of DERs)
76 2015 Guidelines for Implementing Advanced Distribution Management Systems. Requirements for DMS Integration with DERMS and Microgrids Argonne National Laboratory Guidelines Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. https://publications.anl.gov/anlpubs/2015/08/120642.pdf
  • This guideline focuses on the integration of DMS with DERMS and microgrids connected to the distribution grid by defining generic and fundamental design and implementation principles and strategies. It starts by addressing the current status, objectives, and core functionalities of each system, and then discusses the new challenges and the common principles of DMS design and implementation for integration with DERMS and microgrids to realize enhanced grid operation reliability and quality power delivery to consumers while also achieving the maximum energy economics from the DER and microgrid connections.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Mini/micro-grids (when interconnected)
  • Protection coordination and adjustments
77 2018 White Paper on VPPs and DERMSs: Different Sides to the Same Coin Asmus, Peter Article Active management of distribution grid Ontario No file uploaded. https://www.caba.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/IS-2018-325.pdf
  • The purpose of this white paper is to define terms such as virtual power plant (VPP) and distributed energy resources management system (DERMS) and note their similarities and differences. Navigant Research also examines how these two approaches to the management of customer-sited assets might evolve, overlap, and distinguish themselves in the future. The white paper highlights how Alectra, a public utility operating in Ontario, is exploring use cases and applications that piggyback on previous microgrids. It aims to serve as a guide for other software providers and utilities that join this journey toward squeezing the most value out of generation, load, and energy storage for prosumers, utilities, and other grid operators.
  • VPP and aggregators (market integration of DERs)
87 2018 Tucson Electric Power Project RAIN: October 2018 Update Electric Power Research Institute Study Report Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. Tucson Electric Power Project RAIN https://www.epri.com/research/products/000000003002014812
  • "Project RAIN — Resource Aggregation and Integration Network — is one of the first globally to explore how distributed generation and energy storage might be combined with flexible loads (such as electric vehicle chargers or smart thermostats) to respond optimally to dynamic system needs. Open standards and protocols such as SunSpec Modbus and OpenADR are being utilized in an effort to improve future system performance and reduce integration costs. Several controller vendors (both established and new entrants) were engaged in laboratory testing, though the field trial features a single control system that is coordinating DER from multiple suppliers. In this first report, findings are shared from the experimental design, laboratory testing, and initial field installation stages of the project."
  • Demand Response

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Monitoring Solutions

ID Number Year Title Author Type of Entry Main Category Country Location within Country File Reference project name Journal or conference name URL Active management of distribution grid Enabling distributing technologies Market-based and Tariff-based solutions Connection agreement solutions Distribution planning Operation and maintenance Information exchange
15 2021 SGREEE-AA3: The Virtual Power Plant Technology and potential for application in Vietnam Energy & Meteo Systems Study Report Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. Smart Grids for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
  • The goal of this study is to provide a comprehensive introduction into the Virtual Power Plant technology and explore its possible deployment in Vietnam to address some of the challenges of the energy transition.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Forecasting
  • VPP and aggregators (market integration of DERs)
17 2018 Understanding DERMS Electric Power Research Institute Study Report Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. Integration of Distributed Energy Resources (P174) https://www.epri.com/research/products/3002013049
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
18 2020 Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Visibility and Monitoring Best Practice Guide Various (technology providers within DER industry in Australia) Guidelines Information exchange No file uploaded. https://www.dermonitoring.guide/
  • This Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Visibility and Monitoring Best Practice Guide (the Guide) has been developed by the DER industry to specify the data required to enable the transition of our electricity network to a high penetration DER grid. DER includes rooftop solar, batteries, and other appliances such as Electric Vehicles (EV) chargers. This Best Practice Guide is a voluntary Guide. This Guide specifies what data is required to be collected. How this data is managed and made available to the industry regulators and operators requires further work to ensure appropriate and cost effective data privacy and security is maintained.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Battery Energy Storage Systems
  • Electric vehicles
  • Distributed generation (solar)
19 2020 Data Model and Data Acquisition for PV registration schemes and grid connection evaluations – Best Practice and Recommendations IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme Task 1 and 14 Members Study Report Information exchange No file uploaded. IEA PVPS Task 1 & Task 14 https://iea-pvps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/2020_11_30-PVPS-T1-T14-Data-Model-for-PV-Systems.pdf
  • This report shows how different countries deal with the DER data collection, with a focus on PV systems. This report also provides a complete overview of all the relevant aspects that need to be addressed and foresee information that will be relevant in the future.
  • ISBN 978-3-906042-98-5
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Distributed generation (solar)
  • Centralised information database (e.g. DER register, GIS, etc.)
21 2020 Communication and Control for High PV Penetration under Smart Grid Environment_Overview on Control Strategies and Communications Technologies IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme Task 14 members Study Report Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. IEA PVPS Task 14 https://iea-pvps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Task14-12_Communication-and-Control_report.pdf
  • The IEA PVPS Task 14 Subtask C “PV in Smart Grids” will explore the communication and control for high penetration PV systems. The main intention is to survey the appropriate control strategies and communication technologies to integrate a high number of distributed PV systems into a smart electricity network. This Report summarizes the survey on the existing PV communication and control practice among Task 14 participating countries as well as reviews the literature of the state-of-the-art concepts for integration PV system under smart grid environment.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Smart grids (AMI, smart meters, etc.) increase
  • Distributed generation (solar)
22 2018 Common Smart Inverter 8 Profile 9 IEEE 2030.5 Implementation Guide for Smart Inverters Sunspec Common Smart Inverter Profile Working Group Guidelines Information exchange No file uploaded. SunSpec IEEE 2030.5 Conformance Profiles Work Group https://sunspec.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/CSIPImplementationGuidev2.103-15-2018.pdf
  • This guide serves to assist manufacturers, Distributed Energy Resources (DER) operators, system integrators and DER aggregators to implement the Common Smart Inverter Profile (CSIP) implementation guide for IEEE 2030.5. CSIP was developed as an outgrowth of the California Rule 21 Smart Inverter process to create common communication profile for inverter communications that could be relied on by all parties to foster “plug and play” communications-level interoperability between the California IOU’s and 3rd party operated smart inverters or the systems/service providers managing those inverters.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
61 2016 Distribution Automation: Results from the Smart Grid Investment Grant Program U.S Department of Energy Study Report Operation and Maintenance No file uploaded. The Smart Grid Investment Grant (SGIG) Program https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2016/11/f34/Distribution_Automation_Summary_Report_09-29-16.pdf
  • Across the United States, more than 6 million miles of distribution lines and more than 200,000 distribution circuits provide the critical link between the bulk power grid and 160 million electricity customers.1 Distribution automation (DA) uses digital sensors and switches with advanced control and communication technologies to automate feeder switching; voltage and equipment health monitoring; and outage, voltage, and reactive power management. Automation can improve the speed, cost, and accuracy of these key distribution functions to deliver reliability improvements and cost savings to customers. This report shares key results from the 62 SGIG projects implementing DA technologies and also documents lessons learned on technology installation and implementation strategies. With this report, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) aims to further accelerate grid modernization by helping decision makers better assess the benefits and costs of DA investments and learn from leading edge utilities.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Smart grids (AMI, smart meters, etc.) increase
  • Distribution transformer health
62 2021 Informative Background on the Interoperability Requirements in IEEE Std 1547-2018 Ingram, Michael; Rasel Mahmud; David Narang; NREL Study Report Information exchange No file uploaded. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy21osti/77959.pdf
  • The revised Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1547-2018, Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces, was published in April 2018. This standard is one of the foundational documents in the United States needed for integrating distributed energy resources (DERs), including solar energy systems, with the electric distribution grid. This document provides supplementary information to help stakeholders apply the interoperability requirements specified in Clause 10 of the revised standard.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
74 2019 Electric Program Investment Charge 2.02 – Distributed Energy Resource Management System Final Report Pacific Gas and Electric Study Report Active management of distribution grid California No file uploaded. EPIC 2.02 – Distributed Energy Resource Management System https://www.pge.com/pge_global/common/pdfs/about-pge/environment/what-we-are-doing/electric-program-investment-charge/PGE-EPIC-2.02.pdf
  • This report summarizes the project objectives, technical results and lessons learned for EPIC Project 2.02 - Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS). The main objective of the DERMS Demo was to test and demonstrate that new technologies can provide the functionality to monitor and control DERs to manage system constraints and evaluate the potential value of DER flexibility to the grid. The DERMS Demo demonstrated that value from DERs to provide grid services could be realized. This demonstration drove learnings about the people, process, and technology needed to operate the high DER penetration grid of the future. The challenges and lessons learned through this implementation helped move the industry and PG&E forward in the DERMS space, while grounding perspectives of near-term versus future needs and capabilities.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Smart grids (AMI, smart meters, etc.) increase
  • VPP and aggregators (market integration of DERs)
75 2022 Distributed energy resource management systems—DERMS: Stateof the art and how to move forward Strezoski, L. Article Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. https://wires.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/wene.460
  • Due to an ever-increasing rise in proliferation of distributed energy resources (DERs), the paradigm of passive electrical distribution networks is shifting toward active distribution systems. This new environment introduces a plethora of challenges that cannot be managed by traditional tools, whose utilization could compromise the reliability and efficient operation of distribution feeders. This article systematically reviews state of the art in different DERs management software solutions available today. Additionally, it establishes distinguished roles and responsibilities of different levels of hierarchy in distinct solutions that are all commonly called DERs management systems—DERMS (e.g., fully centralized versus fully decentralized DER management solutions). Lastly, it offers a viewpoint on the directions that hold potential for the power system community and industry to explore for further developments of more robust and intelligent DERMS, to successfully enable efficient transition into a new era of clean and sustainable power systems, encompassing active and dynamically changing distribution circuits.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Mini/micro-grids (when interconnected)
  • VPP and aggregators (market integration of DERs)
76 2015 Guidelines for Implementing Advanced Distribution Management Systems. Requirements for DMS Integration with DERMS and Microgrids Argonne National Laboratory Guidelines Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. https://publications.anl.gov/anlpubs/2015/08/120642.pdf
  • This guideline focuses on the integration of DMS with DERMS and microgrids connected to the distribution grid by defining generic and fundamental design and implementation principles and strategies. It starts by addressing the current status, objectives, and core functionalities of each system, and then discusses the new challenges and the common principles of DMS design and implementation for integration with DERMS and microgrids to realize enhanced grid operation reliability and quality power delivery to consumers while also achieving the maximum energy economics from the DER and microgrid connections.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Mini/micro-grids (when interconnected)
  • Protection coordination and adjustments
78 2020 A Review of Health Assessment Techniques for Distribution Transformers in Smart Distribution Grids Tran, Q.T.; Davies, K.; Roose, L.; Wiriyakitikun, P.; Janjampop, J.; Riva Sanseverino, E.; Zizzo, G Article Operation and Maintenance No file uploaded. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/10/22/8115
  • Due to the large number of distribution transformers in the distribution grid, the status of distribution transformers plays an important role in ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the these grids. To evaluate the distribution transformer health, many assessment techniques have been studied and developed. These tools will support the transformer operators in predicting the status of the distribution transformer and responding effectively. This paper will review the literature in the area, analyze the latest techniques as well as highlight the advantages and disadvantages of current methodologies.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Smart grids (AMI, smart meters, etc.) increase
  • Distribution transformer health
96 2018 Upgradation, Implementation and Piloting of Online Data Portal for NEA's Distribution System Upveda Technology Pvt. Ltd Study Report Distribution planning No file uploaded. Nepal Energy Efficiency Programme 3
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Centralised information database (e.g. DER register, GIS, etc.)

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Control Solutions

ID Number Year Title Author Type of Entry Main Category Country Location within Country File Reference project name Journal or conference name URL Active management of distribution grid Enabling distributing technologies Market-based and Tariff-based solutions Connection agreement solutions Distribution planning Operation and maintenance Information exchange
15 2021 SGREEE-AA3: The Virtual Power Plant Technology and potential for application in Vietnam Energy & Meteo Systems Study Report Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. Smart Grids for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
  • The goal of this study is to provide a comprehensive introduction into the Virtual Power Plant technology and explore its possible deployment in Vietnam to address some of the challenges of the energy transition.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Forecasting
  • VPP and aggregators (market integration of DERs)
17 2018 Understanding DERMS Electric Power Research Institute Study Report Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. Integration of Distributed Energy Resources (P174) https://www.epri.com/research/products/3002013049
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
18 2020 Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Visibility and Monitoring Best Practice Guide Various (technology providers within DER industry in Australia) Guidelines Information exchange No file uploaded. https://www.dermonitoring.guide/
  • This Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Visibility and Monitoring Best Practice Guide (the Guide) has been developed by the DER industry to specify the data required to enable the transition of our electricity network to a high penetration DER grid. DER includes rooftop solar, batteries, and other appliances such as Electric Vehicles (EV) chargers. This Best Practice Guide is a voluntary Guide. This Guide specifies what data is required to be collected. How this data is managed and made available to the industry regulators and operators requires further work to ensure appropriate and cost effective data privacy and security is maintained.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Battery Energy Storage Systems
  • Electric vehicles
  • Distributed generation (solar)
20 2018 International Review of Residential PV Feed-in Management Electric Power Research Institute Study Report Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. https://aemo.com.au/-/media/Files/Electricity/NEM/DER/2019/Standards-Protocols/EPRI-PV-Feed-in-Management-Report.pdf
  • The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) is investigating technological and functional solutions to the challenge of integrating large amounts of distributed, residential-scale photovoltaic (PV) generation. Information is provided on the following five key elements necessary to perform management of PV feed-in: device hardware, communication protocols, network infrastructure, a management system, and interconnection agreements. EPRI conducted interviews with representatives from entities facing similar challenges, including from the United States, Germany, Japan, and parts of Australia outside of the National Electricity Market and South West Interconnected System. The interviews and research revealed similar efforts to AEMO, yet none in widespread use that simultaneously address all three challenges of 1) high PV penetrations, 2) consisting mostly of small, distributed PV systems, and 3) on systems without strong (or any) interconnections to neighboring countries or regions. In considering solutions, a holistic view of PV management that includes more than just feed-in management (e.g. other advanced inverter functionalities and customer control of their net energy output) is likely on the horizon.
  • Control Solutions
  • Distributed generation (solar)
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
21 2020 Communication and Control for High PV Penetration under Smart Grid Environment_Overview on Control Strategies and Communications Technologies IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme Task 14 members Study Report Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. IEA PVPS Task 14 https://iea-pvps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Task14-12_Communication-and-Control_report.pdf
  • The IEA PVPS Task 14 Subtask C “PV in Smart Grids” will explore the communication and control for high penetration PV systems. The main intention is to survey the appropriate control strategies and communication technologies to integrate a high number of distributed PV systems into a smart electricity network. This Report summarizes the survey on the existing PV communication and control practice among Task 14 participating countries as well as reviews the literature of the state-of-the-art concepts for integration PV system under smart grid environment.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Smart grids (AMI, smart meters, etc.) increase
  • Distributed generation (solar)
22 2018 Common Smart Inverter 8 Profile 9 IEEE 2030.5 Implementation Guide for Smart Inverters Sunspec Common Smart Inverter Profile Working Group Guidelines Information exchange No file uploaded. SunSpec IEEE 2030.5 Conformance Profiles Work Group https://sunspec.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/CSIPImplementationGuidev2.103-15-2018.pdf
  • This guide serves to assist manufacturers, Distributed Energy Resources (DER) operators, system integrators and DER aggregators to implement the Common Smart Inverter Profile (CSIP) implementation guide for IEEE 2030.5. CSIP was developed as an outgrowth of the California Rule 21 Smart Inverter process to create common communication profile for inverter communications that could be relied on by all parties to foster “plug and play” communications-level interoperability between the California IOU’s and 3rd party operated smart inverters or the systems/service providers managing those inverters.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
34 2020 Research Roadmap on Grid-Forming Inverters National Renewable Energy Laboratory Study Report Enabling distributed technologies No file uploaded. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy21osti/73476.pdf
  • This report is intended to provide a comprehensive analysis of the challenges in integrating inverter-based resources and offer recommendations on potential technology pathways to inform the academic community, industry, and government research organizations. This roadmap attempted to envision the key short- and long-term research-and-development needs for inverter-based resource grid-forming controls, protection, and modeling as part of hybrid grids.
  • Control Solutions
  • Inverter-specific aspects
  • Grid simulation studies
  • Protection coordination and adjustments
45 2020 PV Generation Hosting Capacity in Dominican Distribution Grids Energynautics Study Report Distribution planning No file uploaded. https://transicionenergetica.do/2021/07/29/pv-generation-hosting-capacity-in-dominican-distribution-grids-full-study-available-in-english-now/
  • this study analyses the maximum PV penetration levels on a number of representative, real distribution feeders in the Dominican Republic and provides recommendations to improve the current regulatory landscape for distributed generation.
  • Control Solutions
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
  • Protection coordination and adjustments
46 2017 Do It Locally: Local Voltage Support by Distributed Generation – A Management Summary Fraunhofer IWES Study Report Distribution planning No file uploaded. IEA Task 14 Subtask 2 https://iea-pvps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Task_14_Report__Do_It_Locally_IEA_Final_T14.08.pdf
  • Recommendations based on research and field experience on local voltage support by distributed generation, including impact on grid operation and planning, and advantages and disadvantages for the different reactive power and active power control strategies, which can assist decision-making for the application of local voltage support by DG.
  • Control Solutions
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Grid simulation studies
61 2016 Distribution Automation: Results from the Smart Grid Investment Grant Program U.S Department of Energy Study Report Operation and Maintenance No file uploaded. The Smart Grid Investment Grant (SGIG) Program https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2016/11/f34/Distribution_Automation_Summary_Report_09-29-16.pdf
  • Across the United States, more than 6 million miles of distribution lines and more than 200,000 distribution circuits provide the critical link between the bulk power grid and 160 million electricity customers.1 Distribution automation (DA) uses digital sensors and switches with advanced control and communication technologies to automate feeder switching; voltage and equipment health monitoring; and outage, voltage, and reactive power management. Automation can improve the speed, cost, and accuracy of these key distribution functions to deliver reliability improvements and cost savings to customers. This report shares key results from the 62 SGIG projects implementing DA technologies and also documents lessons learned on technology installation and implementation strategies. With this report, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) aims to further accelerate grid modernization by helping decision makers better assess the benefits and costs of DA investments and learn from leading edge utilities.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Smart grids (AMI, smart meters, etc.) increase
  • Distribution transformer health
62 2021 Informative Background on the Interoperability Requirements in IEEE Std 1547-2018 Ingram, Michael; Rasel Mahmud; David Narang; NREL Study Report Information exchange No file uploaded. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy21osti/77959.pdf
  • The revised Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1547-2018, Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces, was published in April 2018. This standard is one of the foundational documents in the United States needed for integrating distributed energy resources (DERs), including solar energy systems, with the electric distribution grid. This document provides supplementary information to help stakeholders apply the interoperability requirements specified in Clause 10 of the revised standard.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
74 2019 Electric Program Investment Charge 2.02 – Distributed Energy Resource Management System Final Report Pacific Gas and Electric Study Report Active management of distribution grid California No file uploaded. EPIC 2.02 – Distributed Energy Resource Management System https://www.pge.com/pge_global/common/pdfs/about-pge/environment/what-we-are-doing/electric-program-investment-charge/PGE-EPIC-2.02.pdf
  • This report summarizes the project objectives, technical results and lessons learned for EPIC Project 2.02 - Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS). The main objective of the DERMS Demo was to test and demonstrate that new technologies can provide the functionality to monitor and control DERs to manage system constraints and evaluate the potential value of DER flexibility to the grid. The DERMS Demo demonstrated that value from DERs to provide grid services could be realized. This demonstration drove learnings about the people, process, and technology needed to operate the high DER penetration grid of the future. The challenges and lessons learned through this implementation helped move the industry and PG&E forward in the DERMS space, while grounding perspectives of near-term versus future needs and capabilities.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Smart grids (AMI, smart meters, etc.) increase
  • VPP and aggregators (market integration of DERs)
75 2022 Distributed energy resource management systems—DERMS: Stateof the art and how to move forward Strezoski, L. Article Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. https://wires.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/wene.460
  • Due to an ever-increasing rise in proliferation of distributed energy resources (DERs), the paradigm of passive electrical distribution networks is shifting toward active distribution systems. This new environment introduces a plethora of challenges that cannot be managed by traditional tools, whose utilization could compromise the reliability and efficient operation of distribution feeders. This article systematically reviews state of the art in different DERs management software solutions available today. Additionally, it establishes distinguished roles and responsibilities of different levels of hierarchy in distinct solutions that are all commonly called DERs management systems—DERMS (e.g., fully centralized versus fully decentralized DER management solutions). Lastly, it offers a viewpoint on the directions that hold potential for the power system community and industry to explore for further developments of more robust and intelligent DERMS, to successfully enable efficient transition into a new era of clean and sustainable power systems, encompassing active and dynamically changing distribution circuits.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Mini/micro-grids (when interconnected)
  • VPP and aggregators (market integration of DERs)
76 2015 Guidelines for Implementing Advanced Distribution Management Systems. Requirements for DMS Integration with DERMS and Microgrids Argonne National Laboratory Guidelines Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. https://publications.anl.gov/anlpubs/2015/08/120642.pdf
  • This guideline focuses on the integration of DMS with DERMS and microgrids connected to the distribution grid by defining generic and fundamental design and implementation principles and strategies. It starts by addressing the current status, objectives, and core functionalities of each system, and then discusses the new challenges and the common principles of DMS design and implementation for integration with DERMS and microgrids to realize enhanced grid operation reliability and quality power delivery to consumers while also achieving the maximum energy economics from the DER and microgrid connections.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Mini/micro-grids (when interconnected)
  • Protection coordination and adjustments
84 2020 Too much of a good thing? Global trends in the curtailment of solar PV O'Shaughnessy, Eric; Cruce, Jesse R.; Xu, Kaifeng Article Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. Solar Energy https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0038092X20309166?via=ihub
  • Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems generate electricity with no marginal costs or emissions. As a result, PV output is almost always prioritized over other fuel sources and delivered to the electric grid. However, PV curtailment is increasing as PV composes greater shares of grid capacity. In this paper, we present a novel synthesis of curtailment in four key countries: Chile, China, Germany, and the United States. We find that about 6.5 million MWh of PV output was curtailed in these countries in 2018. We find that: Policy and grid planning practices influence where, when, and how much PV is curtailed; Some PV curtailment is attributable to limited transmission capacity connecting remote solar resources to load centers; PV curtailment peaks in the spring and fall, when PV output is relatively high but electricity demand is relatively low. We discuss available measures to reduce PV curtailment as well as increasing PV curtailment in the contexts of evolving grids and energy technologies.
  • Control Solutions
  • Congestion Management
  • Distributed generation (solar)

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Congestion Management

ID Number Year Title Author Type of Entry Main Category Country Location within Country File Reference project name Journal or conference name URL Active management of distribution grid Enabling distributing technologies Market-based and Tariff-based solutions Connection agreement solutions Distribution planning Operation and maintenance Information exchange
10 2021 Grid Management Solutions to Support the Optimal Operation of Renewable Energy Sources in Power System Fichtner GmbH; RCEE-NIRAS Study Report Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. Smart Grids for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SGREEE) https://smart-grid.vn/cus_event/final-workshop-on-grid-management-solutions-to-support-the-optimal-operation-of-renewable-energy-in-power-system/
  • Congestion Management
  • Smart grids (AMI, smart meters, etc.) increase
  • Battery Energy Storage Systems
  • Demand Response
66 2019 An integrated approach to active system management with the focus on TSO–DSO coordination in congestion management and balancing CEDEC, E.DSO, Eurelectric, GEODE, ENTSO-E Study Report Information exchange No file uploaded. https://www.entsoe.eu/news/2019/04/16/a-toolbox-for-tsos-and-dsos-to-make-use-of-new-system-and-grid-services/
  • In the present report, active power management, as a part of ASM is described and analysed from the perspective of a close collaboration of TSOs and DSOs, for congestion management in both distribution and transmission grids and system balancing when such services are provided in a market-based approach by flexibilities owned and operated by third parties. Many other ASM solutions coexist as mentioned in the toolbox above, but they are not analysed in the present report. In addition, reactive power management has been left out of the report. The reason to concentrate first on congestion management and balancing services provided by third parties is the importance of TSO–DSO coordination for these processes to ensure the security of supply. In a later stage, other elements or purposes of ASM could be commonly investigated by DSOs and TSOs.
  • Congestion Management
68 2016 TSO–DSO Data Management Report ENTSO-E, CEDEC, GEODE, EURELECTRIC and EDSO for Smart Grids Study Report Information exchange No file uploaded. https://www.entsoe.eu/2016/07/27/tso-dso-data-management-report/
  • TSO–DSO Data Management Report that includes topics such as common understanding of terms related to data management, CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES OF DATA MANAGEMENT, KEY PRINCIPLES FOR DATA MANAGEMENT, NEEDS AND USES FOR THE DATA. A first objective was to agree upon a common terminology for the concepts discussed by all participants. A second objective was to reach a common understanding of data needs that come from (certain) roles and responsibilities (especially those generally allocated to TSOs and/or DSOs). This was identified as a critical building block for more advanced discussions on data management.
  • Congestion Management
82 2020 Predictive congestion management for Redispatch 2.0 Enercast Web Page Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. https://www.enercast.de/magazine/predictive-congestion-management-for-redispatch-2-0/
  • Explanation of Redispatch 2.0 in Germany, a planned redispatch in the event of grid congestion.
  • Congestion Management
  • Forecasting
84 2020 Too much of a good thing? Global trends in the curtailment of solar PV O'Shaughnessy, Eric; Cruce, Jesse R.; Xu, Kaifeng Article Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. Solar Energy https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0038092X20309166?via=ihub
  • Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems generate electricity with no marginal costs or emissions. As a result, PV output is almost always prioritized over other fuel sources and delivered to the electric grid. However, PV curtailment is increasing as PV composes greater shares of grid capacity. In this paper, we present a novel synthesis of curtailment in four key countries: Chile, China, Germany, and the United States. We find that about 6.5 million MWh of PV output was curtailed in these countries in 2018. We find that: Policy and grid planning practices influence where, when, and how much PV is curtailed; Some PV curtailment is attributable to limited transmission capacity connecting remote solar resources to load centers; PV curtailment peaks in the spring and fall, when PV output is relatively high but electricity demand is relatively low. We discuss available measures to reduce PV curtailment as well as increasing PV curtailment in the contexts of evolving grids and energy technologies.
  • Control Solutions
  • Congestion Management
  • Distributed generation (solar)

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ID Number Year Title Author Type of Entry Main Category Country Location within Country File Reference project name Journal or conference name URL Active management of distribution grid Enabling distributing technologies Market-based and Tariff-based solutions Connection agreement solutions Distribution planning Operation and maintenance Information exchange
12 2020 Comments on the draft regulation for power forecasting in Vietnam Energy & Meteo Systems GmbH Study Report Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. Smart Grids for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
  • In the first part, the proposed regulation from EVN (letter no. 1404/EVN-KTSX to ERAV) is reviewed and commented. The goal is to give expert advice how the regulatory framework can be improved, drawing from international state-of-the-art in power forecasting. While commenting the regulatory issues, the effort and challenges of managing a decentralized power forecasting system will become clear as well. In the second part, the report raises the fundamental question of the advantages and disadvantages of a centralized versus a decentralized forecasting system. The goal is to provide decision-makers in Vietnam with crucial information on best practices of implementing an efficient power forecasting system. This is considered highly important since Vietnam is about to take fundamental decisions on its future prediction system. In order to transfer international experiences with decentralized forecasting systems, brief showcases from the Dominican Republic and Mexico are presented.
  • Forecasting
15 2021 SGREEE-AA3: The Virtual Power Plant Technology and potential for application in Vietnam Energy & Meteo Systems Study Report Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. Smart Grids for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
  • The goal of this study is to provide a comprehensive introduction into the Virtual Power Plant technology and explore its possible deployment in Vietnam to address some of the challenges of the energy transition.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Forecasting
  • VPP and aggregators (market integration of DERs)
16 2022 Workshop Slides: Grid Integration of Grid-Connected Photovoltaics Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG Training Material Enabling distributed technologies No file uploaded.
  • Slides of workshop “grid integration of grid-connected photovoltaics”: Session 1: From DC to AC – photovoltaic and inverter technology; Session 2: Voltage control and support strategies with grid connected rooftop PV; Session 3: Short term PV power forecast for grid operation; Session 4: Frequency control with grid connected rooftop PV.
  • Forecasting
  • Distributed generation (solar)
  • Inverter-specific aspects
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
79 2016 Forecasting Wind and Solar Generation: Improving System Operations (Short Summary) Greening the Grid Other Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. Greening the Grid https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy16osti/65728.pdf
  • A short introduction to forecasting wind and solar, including: forecasting methods, differences in wind versus solar forecasting, centralised versus decentralised forecasting, and integration of RE forecasting into system operations.
  • Forecasting
  • Distributed generation (solar)
  • Distributed generation (others)
81 2020 Advanced forecasting of variable renewable power generation: innovation landscape brief International Renewable Energy Agency Study Report Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. https://www.irena.org/-/media/Files/IRENA/Agency/Publication/2020/Jul/IRENA_Advanced_weather_forecasting_2020.pdf
  • Forecasting
  • Distributed generation (solar)
  • Distributed generation (others)
82 2020 Predictive congestion management for Redispatch 2.0 Enercast Web Page Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. https://www.enercast.de/magazine/predictive-congestion-management-for-redispatch-2-0/
  • Explanation of Redispatch 2.0 in Germany, a planned redispatch in the event of grid congestion.
  • Congestion Management
  • Forecasting
91 2020 Grid Integration Series: Variable Renewable Energy Forecasting USAID Study Report Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. Scaling Up Renewable Energy Project https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1865/USAID_SURE_Variable-Renewable-Energy-Forecasting.pdf
  • A summary of best practices in VRE forecasting.
  • Forecasting
99 2021 Variable Renewable Energy Generation Forecasting and Integration with Dispatching USAID Video Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. Scaling Up Renewable Energy https://www.usaid.gov/energy/sure/vre-forecasting-webinar
  • "This webinar explores how Indonesia, Kazakhstan, and Pakistan deploy variable renewable energy generation forecasting tools to ensure effective grid management and electricity system reliability."
  • Forecasting
  • Distributed generation (solar)
  • Distributed generation (others)
100 2016 Forecasting residential solar photovoltaic deployment in California National Renewable Energy Lab. Article Active management of distribution grid California No file uploaded. Technological Forecasting and Social Change https://www.osti.gov/pages/biblio/1347199
  • Forecasting
  • Distributed generation (solar)

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Smart grids (AMI, smart meters, etc.) increased

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