Systemes agroalimentaires respectueux du climat : Liens
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Systèmes agroalimentaires respectueux du climat : Liens
Énergie durable pour l'alimentation
- Climate-Smart Agriculture 101
- Introducing the Energy-Agriculture Nexus
- Energy Inputs in Agriculture
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture
- Energy for Agriculture
- Energy Needs in Smallholder Agriculture
- Climate Smarte Agriculture
- Renewable Energy Resources in Powering Agriculture
- Energy for Processing Food
- E-Learning: Free Online edX CourseSustainable Development
- SDGAcademyX-Free online courses from SDG Academy
- Nexus Case Studies
- Massive Open Online Course: Powering Agriculture
Pompage et Irrigation
- Irrigation Types
- Drip Irrigation
- Surface Irrigation
- Sprinkler Irrigation
- Battery Based System Pump
- Basics and SWOT Analysis of SPIS
- Solar Powered Water Pump
- Water Powered Water Pumps
- Sustainable Groundwater Extraction
- Solar Powered Pumps for Improved Irrigation
- A Hydroponic Green Farming Initiative
- Low-Cost Pay-Per-Use Irrigation using Solar Trolley Systems
- Affordable, High-Performance Solar Irrigation for Smallholder Farmers
- PV-Integrated Drip Irrigation and Fertigation Systems
- Scaling the Distribution of Tailored Agro-Solar Irrigation Kits to Smallholder Farmers
- Renewable Microgrids for Off-Grid Fish Hatcheries and Surrounding Communities
- Sunflower Pump: Asset-Financed Solar Irrigation Pumps for Smallholder Farmers
- Micro-Solar Utilities for Small-Scale Irrigation
- Solar Powered Irrigation Systems in Egypt
- SPIS Toolbox
- Solar-powered irrigation systems – Technology, Economy, Impacts
- Evaporative Cooling Devices
- Green Cooling
- Biogas Milk Chilling to Increase Productivity and Incomes of Dairy Farmers
- SunDanzer: Solar Powered Refrigeration for Kenyan Dairy Farms
- Reducing Milk Spoilage through Solar-Powered Chilling
- SunChill Solar Cooling for Horticultural Preservation
- Solar Milk Cooling with Insulated Milk Cans
- Solar Drying
- Biogas Powered Infrared Coffee Dryer
- Modern Solar Drying in Afghanistan
- Drying Oregano with Solar Dryers in Peru
- Drying Chili Peppers with Solar Dryers in Peru
Autres types de la transformation des aliments
- Field Evaluation of a Passive Aeration System for Aquaculture
- Agro-Processing Power Stations
- Solar-Powered Oil Press for Sesame Seed
- Tomato Processing by Solar Energy
Efficacité énergétique
- Energy Efficiency Introduction
- Energy Efficiency in Powering Agriculture
- Cogeneration
- Energy Efficiency Potentials in the Kenyan Tea Sector
- Energy Auditing
Sources d'énergie - Énergie solaire
Irrigation solaire
- Solar powered water pumps
- Micro-Solar Utilities for Small-Scale Irrigation
- Solar Powered Pumps for Improved Irrigation
- Hydroponic Green Farming Initiative
- Low-Cost Pay-Per-Use Irrigation Using Solar Trolley Systems
- Affordable, High-Performance Solar Irrigation for Smallholder Farmers
- PV-Integrated Drip Irrigation and Fertigation Systems
- Scaling the Distribution of Tailored Agro-Solar Irrigation Kits to Smallholder Farmers
- Sunflower Pump: Asset-Financed Solar Irrigation Pumps for Smallholder Farmers
- Micro-Solar Utilities for Small-Scale Irrigation
- Solar Powered Irrigation Systems in Egypt
- SPIS Toolbox
- Solar-powered irrigation systems – Technology, Economy, Impacts
- Photovoltaic|(PV) Pumping Systems for Irrigation
Refroidissement solaire
- SunDanzer: Solar Powered Refrigeration for Kenyan Dairy Farms
- Reducing Milk Spoilage through Solar-Powered Chilling
- SunChill Solar Cooling for Horticultural Preservation
- Solar Milk Cooling with Insulated Milk Cans
Séchage à l'énergie solaire
- Solar Drying
- Biogas Powered Infrared Coffee Dryer
- Modern Solar Drying in Afghanistan
- Drying Oregano with Solar Dryers in Peru
- Drying Chili Peppers with Solar Dryers in Peru
Autres applications solaires
- Renewable Microgrids for Off-Grid Fish Hatcheries and Surrounding Communities
- Solar Agro-Processing Power Stations
- Private Sector Financed Community Solar Microgrids and Agricultural Accelerators
- Field Evaluation of a Passive Aeration System for Aquaculture
- Smart Grid on Main Street: Electricity and Value-added Processing for Agricultural Goods
- Biomass and Solar PV Hybrid Minigrids for Off-Grid Farming Communities
Source d'énergie-Biomasse/Biogaz
- Biogas in Powering Agriculture
- Bioenergy Resources and Technologies
- Biomass and Solar PV Hybrid Minigrids for Off-Grid Farming Communities
- Building Markets for Efficient Biomass Power Provision
- Biomass-Powered Thermal Processing of Ethiopian Bamboo
- Biogas Milk Chilling for Dairy Farmers
- Biogas-Powered Evaporative Cooling for the Dairy Industry
- Biomass Potential in the Indonesian Agroindustry
- Biogas Technology in Vietnam
- Biogas for the Small Holdings in Kerala, India
Sources d'énergie - éolienne et hydroélectrique
Énergie hydraulique
L'énergie éolienne
Modèles de financement et d'entreprise
- Agri-Food Enterprises in the Energy-Food Nexus
- Business Plan for Solar Processing of Tomatoes
- Small Scale Oil Seeds Processing
- Techno-Economic Analysis in the Agricultural Value Chain
- Comparative Financial Analysis of Irrigation Solutions
Politiques et réglementations
- Policies and Regulations for the Energy-Agriculture Nexus
- Comparison of various Policy Tools for Promoting Renewable Energies
- Bioenergy Decision Support Tool
Chaîne de valeur
Produits laitiers
- Food Safety Laboratory and Milk Quality Improvement Program (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Cornell University)
- Clean Energy Solutions for Milk Cooling in India and Kenya
- Biogas Milk Chilling for Dairy Farmers
- Biogas-Powered Evaporative Cooling for the Dairy Industry
- SunDanzer: Solar Powered Refrigeration for Kenyan Dairy Farms
- Reducing Milk Spoilage through Solar-Powered Chilling
- Solar Milk Cooling with Insulated Milk Cans
- Ricepedia
- IRRI Axial Flow Thresher
- RiceHub
- Solar Agro-Processing Power Stations
- Biomass and Solar PV Hybrid Minigrids for Off-Grid Farming Communities
- Costs and Benefits of Clean Energy Technologies in the Philippines’ Rice Value Chain
Fruits & Légumes
- Waste Stitching – Circular Economy
- SunChill Solar Cooling for Horticultural Preservation
- Tomato Processing by Solar Energy
- Water and Food Security – FAO
Utilisation de l'eau dans l'agriculture
- FAO Water– The Importance of Sustainable Water Management
- Water in Agriculture World Bank
- Do Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) Contribute to the Overexploitation of Groundwater Reserves
- SPIS Toolbox on Solar Powered Irrigation Systems
- SPIS|Toolbox – Understanding Groundwater
- SPIS Safeguard Water Module
- SPIS Toolbox -Understand Water Resources
- SPIS Toolbox -Assess Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts
- SPIS Toolbox - Irrigation Efficiency Tips