Category:Pub Database
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Pages in category "Pub Database"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,229 total.
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- Publication - 10 Years: Progress to Action
- Publication - 100 Days Report: SEforALL and the Decade of Action
- Publication - 100% Renewable Electricity Worldwide is Feasible and More Cost-Effective than the Existing System
- Publication - 100% Renewable Energy for Bangladesh – Access to renewable energy for all within one generation
- Publication - 17th GCF insight: Stakeholder views on the Green Climate Fund's direct access modality
- Publication - 2017 Annual Report: Geothermal Technological Office
- Publication - 2017 Joint Report On Multilateral Development Banks' Climate Finance
- Publication - 2017 Peer Review Report: Geothermal Technologies Office
- Publication - 2018 Hydropower Status Report
- Publication - 2018 U.S. Utility-Scale Photovoltaics-Plus-Energy Storage System Costs Benchmark
- Publication - 2019 Asia and the Pacific Renewable Energy Status Report
- Publication - 2019 Clean Cooking Industry Snapshot - An Inaugural Report on Sector Investment and Innovation
- Publication - 2019 SEforALL Charrettes Report
- Publication - 2019 Tracking SDG7 - The Energy Progress Report
- Publication - 2020 Report - Electricity Access
- Publication - 2021 Appliance Data Trends
- Publication - 2021 Clean Cooking Industry Snapshot
- Publication - 2021 Solar Appliance Snapshots
- Publication - 2021 Solar Appliance Technology Briefs
- Publication - 2023 Clean Cooking Industry Snapshot
- Publication - 2nd Edition Renewables in Mozambique – National Status Report
- Publication - A Brighter Future for Maldives Powered by Renewables: Road Map for the Energy Sector 2020–2030
- Publication - A Challenge for Sustainable Electrification, Respecting the Local Tradition in Ciptagelar Village, West Java, Indonesia: Complementary Approach with a Private Company
- Publication - A Energiewende alemã
- Publication - A Energiewende alemã (Portuguese, Brazil)
- Publication - A Energiewende alemã (Portuguese, Western Africa)
- Publication - A Geospatial Approach to Understanding Clean Cooking Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Publication - A Geospatial Assessment of Small-Scale Hydropower Potential in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Publication - A GIS-Based Demand Assessment Methodology To Estimate Electricity Requirements for Health Care Facilities: A Case Study for Uganda
- Publication - A global inventory of electricity infrastructures from 1980 to 2017: Country-level data on power plants, grids and transformers
- Publication - A Handbook for Southern Africa (2nd Edition) Climate Risk and Vulnerability: A Handbook for Southern Africa
- Publication - A just energy transition for communities: Large-scale wind and solar projects in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Publication - A New World - The Geopolitics of the Energy Transformation
- Publication - A német energiafordulat
- Publication - A Paradigm Shift in the Governance of Sustainable Development: Citizens’ Empowerment
- Publication - A PESTLE Analysis of Solar Home Systems in Refugee Camps in Rwanda
- Publication - A Powering Agriculture Guide on Financing Types for Innovators
- Publication - A Practical Introduction to Solar Irrigation
- Publication - A Quality Infrastructure Roadmap for green hydrogen
- Publication - A review of the physicochemical characteristics of ultrafine particle emissions from domestic solid fuel combustion during cooking and heating
- Publication - A Roadmap for Energy Access in Displacement Settings: Ethiopia
- Publication - A Roadmap For Energy Access in Displacement Settings: Kenya
- Publication - A Roadmap for Energy Access in Displacement Settings: Rwanda
- Publication - A Roadmap for Energy Access in Displacement Settings: Uganda
- Publication - A Step Towards Resilience: Pioneering Market Systems Development in Humanitarian Response
- Publication - A Vision for Clean Cooking Access for All
- Publication - Accelerating Access to Clean Cooking Will Require a Heart-Head-and-Hands Approach
- Publication - Accelerating Clean Cooking as a Nature-Based Climate Solution
- Publication - Accelerating clean energy through Industry 4.0
- Publication - Accelerating Energy Access: The Role of Patient Capital
- Publication - Accelerating geothermal heat adoption in the agri-food sector: Key lessons and recommendations
- Publication - Accelerating Mini-grid Deployment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from Tanzania
- Publication - Accelerating the Productive Use of Electricity : Enabling Energy Access to Power Rural Economic Growth
- Publication - Accelerating Uptake of Pico PV Systems and High Tier Cookstoves in Kenya through Results-based Financing: Experiences and lessons learnt
- Publication - Access to Energy for (Micro) Businesses in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement
- Publication - Access to Energy Services through Renewable Sources in Latin America & The Caribbean
- Publication - Access to Financing for Early-Stage Innovators in the Clean Energy-Agriculture Nexus
- Publication - Access to more: Creating Energy Choices for Refugees
- Publication - Achievements of Energy Efficiency Appliance and Equipment Standards and Labelling Programmes
- Publication - Achieving 100% Renewable Energy for all - Lessons learned from the development of Renewable Energy roadmaps in the Global South
- Publication - Achieving Social Impacts in the Energy Access Sector
- Publication - Actions to Mobilize Capital to Emerging Markets and Developing Economies
- Publication - Adaptation and Resilience in the Face of Climate Disasters in Mozambique: The Role of Off-Grid Solar and Energy Access
- Publication - Adapting Spatial Frameworks to Guide Energy Access Interventions in Urbanizing Africa
- Publication - Addressing forestry and agroforestry in National Adaptation Plans
- Publication - Addressing Renewable Energy Conundrum in the DR Congo: Focus on Grand Inga Hydropower Dam Project
- Publication - Addressing the COVID-19 and climate crises: Potential economic recovery pathways and their implications for climate change mitigation, NDCs and broader socio-economic goals
- Publication - Addressing the Needs of People with Disabilities in Energy Access - Checklist
- Publication - Advancing Mini-Grids in Sierra Leone: Exploring a Holistic Framework of Policies, Regulations, and Institutions
- Publication - Advancing Renewables in Developing Countries: Progress of Projects Supported through the IRENA/ADFD Project Facility
- Publication - Africa - Electricity Transmission and Distribution Grid Map
- Publication - Africa Energy Outlook 2019
- Publication - Africa Energy Outlook 2022
- Publication - African Development Bank mini-grid training
- Publication - African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation
- Publication - After the Paris Agreement, the Debt Deluge: Why Lending for Climate Drives Debt Distress
- Publication - AI for Africa: Use Cases Delivering Impact
- Publication - Aiming at sustainable trade in the context of the Rule of Law: What role for citizens and how international trade can help reduce fossil-fuel consumption
- Publication - Air Pollution and Development in Africa: Impacts on Health, the Economy, and Human Capital
- Publication - Aligning Energy and Climate Objectives in NDCs
- Publication - Aligning Energy Development and Climate Objectives in Nationally Determined Contributions
- Publication - An Evidence Review: How Affordable is Off-grid Energy Access in Africa?
- Publication - An In-Depth Exploration of Cooking Entirely with Electricity in Kenya
- Publication - Analyse du marche des systèmes solaires.
- Publication - Analysis of Quality Infrastructure Services Offered in Benin and Potential for Development
- Publication - Analysis of Quality Infrastructure Services Offered in Ethiopia and Potential for Development
- Publication - Analysis of Quality Infrastructure Services Offered in Kenya and Potential for Development
- Publication - Analysis of Quality Infrastructure Services Offered in Uganda and Potential for Development
- Publication - Analysis of the Implications of the Value-added Tax on Clean Cooking in Kenya
- Publication - Analyzing Climate and Energy Policy Integration: The Case of The Mexican Energy Transition
- Publication - Annual Progress Report 2023
- Publication - Annual Report - Going 100% renewable: how committed companies are demanding a faster market response
- Publication - Antigua and Barbuda: Renewable Energy Roadmap
- Publication - Appliance Data Trends 2018
- Publication - Appliance Impacts Over Time - Longitudinal insights from off-grid TV, refrigerators, & solar water pumps users
- Publication - Applying blockchain for climate action in agriculture : state of play and outlook
- Publication - AR6 Synthesis Report Climate Change 2023
- Publication - ARE Elects Alexis Rehbinder as President and Announces Two New Board Members
- Publication - Are Enabling Technologies the Key to Scaling Modern Energy Services for the Off-Grid Market?
- Publication - Are India’s Urban Poor Using Clean Cooking Fuels? Insights from Slums in Six States
- Publication - ASEAN Renewable Energy Integration Analysis: Flexibility benefits of cross-border power trade
- Publication - Asia Super Grid
- Publication - Assessing agroforestry practices and soil and water conservation for climate change adaptation in Kenya: A cost-benefit analysis
- Publication - Assessing cooking needs in Chad Methodology and findings
- Publication - Assessing International Public Finance for Energy in Africa: Where Do Development and Climate Priorities Stand?
- Publication - Assessing state compliance with multilateral climate transparency requirements: ‘Transparency Adherence Indices’ and their research and policy implications
- Publication - Assessing the Climate Consistency of Finance: Taking Stock of Methodologies and their Links to Climate Mitigation Policy Objectives
- Publication - Assessing the Market for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Microgrids in Malawi
- Publication - Assessing the Potential for Biodigesters in Kenya
- Publication - Assessing the Sustainability of Decentralized Renewable Energy Systems: A Comprehensive Framework with Analytical Methods
- Publication - Assessment of Market-Driven Solutions for Energy Access in Refugee Settlements in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Publication - Assessment of Post-Combustion CO2, CO and PM2.5 Levels from Selected Improved Biomass Cookstoves in Sierra Leone
- Publication - Assessment of techno-economic feasibility of centralised seasonal thermal energy storage for decarbonising the Swiss residential heating sector
- Publication - Aviation biofuels, vegetable oil and land use change
- Publication - Balancing Competition and Subsidy: Assessing Mini-Grid Incentive Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Publication - Bangladesh eCooking Market Assessment
- Publication - Barriers and opportunities to bioenergy transitions: An integrated, multi-level perspective analysis of biogas uptake in Bali
- Publication - Baseline Assessment on Electronic Waste
- Publication - Baseline Assessment on Electronic Waste Management and Extended Producer Responsibility in Displacement Settings in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda
- Publication - Batteries and Secure Energy Transitions
- Publication - Behavioural Change Campaign: Promoting Improved Cooking Solutions in Kakuma Refugee Camp
- Publication - Benchmarking Africa’s Minigrids Report 2022
- Publication - Benchmarking Mini-Grid DESCOs 2017 Update
- Publication - Benefits of Harmonizing Test Methods and Quality Standards
- Publication - Benin eCooking Market Assessment
- Publication - Best Practices & Key Recommendations from Young Leaders in Energy Access
- Publication - Best Practices for Electrifying Rural Health Care Facilities with Decentralised Renewables
- Publication - Best Practices in Accelerating Access to Clean Household Energy: A Collection of Evidence from wPOWER Partners
- Publication - Best Practices in Results-Based Financing for Mini-Grids
- Publication - Better Farmer Benefits from Renewable Energy: Improving Inclusion and Uptake in Kenya
- Publication - Beyond Fire Back-casting a Pathway to Fully Electric Cooking in Rural Kenya by 2030
- Publication - Beyond Fire: How to achieve electric cooking
- Publication - Bidibidi Refugee Settlement: Environmental Scoping Report and Recommendations
- Publication - Bioenergy for Sustainable Local Energy Services and Energy Access in Africa
- Publication - Bioenergy for Sustainable Local Energy Services and Energy Access in Africa Demand Sector Report 2: Tea Processing Focus Country: Kenya
- Publication - Bioenergy for Sustainable Local Energy Services and Energy Access in Africa Demand Sector Report 3: Wood Processing Focus Country: Tanzania
- Publication - Black Carbon Cookstove Emissions: A field Assessment of 19 Stove/fuel Combinations
- Publication - Blended Finance Best Practive: Case Studies and Lessons Learned
- Publication - Blended Finance Solutions for Clean Energy in Humanitarian and Displacement Settings Lessons Learnt - An Initial Overview
- Publication - Blended Finance, MDB Optimization and Private Capital Mobilization Recommendations for Policymakers
- Publication - Blending Market and Humanitarian Support for Refugees in Uganda
- Publication - Block Chains, Distributed Ledgers & the Future of Sustainable Development
- Publication - Bolivia: Fortalecimiento de la Infraestructura de la Calidad en las áreas de Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética
- Publication - Boosting Flexibility in Distribution Grids
- Publication - Boosting Global PV Markets: The Role of Quality Infrastructure
- Publication - Brasil: Fortalecimento da Infraestrutura da Qualidade para Energias Renováveis e Eficiência Energética
- Publication - Brazil: Strengthening Quality Infrastructure for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency
- Publication - Bridging agricultural livelihoods and energy access: Barriers and opportunities for rice and rice husk value chains in Labutta, Myanmar
- Publication - Bridging the gap: How Inclusive Finance Boosts Access to Off-grid Energy
- Publication - Briefing Note on Solar Radiation Modification as addressed in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report Working Group III: Mitigation of Climate Change
- Publication - Bringing Power and Progress to Africa in a Financially and Environmentally Sustainable Manner
- Publication - Bringing WASH into the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Humanitarian Settings
- Publication - Building Capacity: HEED Skills Audit and Recommendations.
- Publication - BUILDING EVIDENCE TO UNLOCK IMPACT FINANCE A - Field Assessment of Clean Cooking Co-Benefits for Climate, Health, and Gender
- Publication - Building Grids Faster: The backbone of the energy transition
- Publication - Building Integrated Innovative Non-Imaging Concentrating Solar Collector for Clean Cooking Under Low Sun Elevation
- Publication - Building the Business Case for Women’s Inclusive Financing in Last-Mile Renewable Energy Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Publication - Burning Billions: Record Public Money for Fossil Fuels Impeding Climate Action
- Publication - Business and the Sustainable Development Goals: Best Practices to Size Opportunities and Maximise Credibility
- Publication - Business Models for Green Buildings: Real estate actors around the globe show the way
- Publication - Cables to Save the World: The Economic Benefits of Transmission Investments to Decarbonise Global Electricity Supply
- Publication - Can Biomass Qualify as Renewable Energy? The State of Biomass Policy in South Korea
- Publication - Can cooking solutions for refugees better serve gender dynamics?
- Publication - Can electric cooking meet off-grid (humanitarian) institutional cooking needs?
- Publication - Can Market Mechanisms Enable Energy Access for People Living in Extreme Poverty?
- Publication - Can Mozambican Households Afford SHS? Insights From a Local Survey
- Publication - Capturing Leadership: Policies for the US to Advance Direct Air Capture Technology
- Publication - Carbon Markets in Africa: An Overview
- Publication - Case Study: Supporting Efficient Use of Energy for Better Rural Health Outcomes
- Publication - Cash Transfers in the Context of Energy Subsidy Reform: Insights from Recent Experience
- Publication - Catalyser la création d’emplois verts en milieu rural grâce aux ERD en Afrique de l’Ouest
- Publication - Catalysing Green Rural Job Creation with DRE in West Africa
- Publication - Catalyzing Investment for Energy Access: Making the Case for Change
- Publication - Central schemes has improved energy access in UP: CEEW
- Publication - Challenges for Off-grid Electrification in Rural Areas. Assessment of the Situation in Namibia Using the Examples of Gam and Tsumkwe
- Publication - Charging up India's Electric Vehicles: Infrastructure Deployment and Power System Integration
- Publication - Chilling Prospects: Providing Sustainable Cooling for All
- Publication - Chilling Prospects: Tracking Sustainable Cooling for All 2020
- Publication - Chilling Prospects: Tracking Sustainable Cooling for All 2022
- Publication - Clean and Modern Energy for Cooking - A Path to Food Security and Sustainable Development
- Publication - Clean Cooking Alliance 2018 Annual Report
- Publication - Clean Cooking Alliance 2020 Annual Report
- Publication - Clean Cooking Alliance 2021 Annual Report
- Publication - Clean Cooking Alliance 2023 Annual Report
- Publication - Clean Cooking and the SDGs: Integrated Analytical Approaches to Guide Energy Interventions for Health and Environment Goals
- Publication - Clean Cooking as a Catalyst for Sustainable Food Systems
- Publication - Clean Cooking Data Release Report
- Publication - Clean Cooking Data Release Report - Findings of a Pilot Project with 100 Electric Pressure Cookers (EPC) in Rural Tanzania
- Publication - Clean Cooking in Refugee Camps and COVID-19: What Lessons Can We Learn?
- Publication - Clean Cooking is Heading for Failure: Why the Sector Needs a Real Strategy Not Just a List of Ideas
- Publication - Clean Cooking RBFs: Key Design Principles
- Publication - Clean Cooking Sector Remains Dramatically Underfunded, Despite Increasing Innovation and Climate Investment
- Publication - Clean Cooking: Financing Appliances for End Users
- Publication - Clean Cooking: Results-based Financing as a Potential Scale-up Tool for the Sector
- Publication - Clean Cooking: Scaling up With Crowdfunding
- Publication - Clean Cooking: Structuring Concessions for Displaced People
- Publication - Clean Energy Business Model Manual.